Attacking the Left with the Tactics of the Left

Trump supporters feel oppressed by the Left’s tactics

Ephrayim Fox
5 min readJan 15, 2021

So I had this idea. Why should conservatives attack the left with sound arguments and logic, when it would be far more interesting to just use emotion and shaming instead? Logic is so outdated, and moral consistency is clearly old-fashioned. Generalizations and conflations are much more popular nowadays. So I thought it would be interesting to try and use those tactics against their own popularizers. I’m going to do my very best (it doesn’t come naturally) to make you, the reader, feel personally attacked by the sheer “violence” of my words. Maybe then you will understand what Trump supporters go through on a daily basis, and why they legitimately feel oppressed. Here goes.

So. You’re a Biden supporter, huh? I never understand Biden supporters. Everyone who supports Biden knows and understands that they’re supporting communists and oppressing ordinary black folk. Why, you know Kamala Harris? She’s a DICTATOR, and she hates black people! She threw so many people of color in JAIL. She’s also a Democrat, sorry, I mean DEMONcrat. Demoncrats are all socialist nowadays, and Kamala is authoritarian and a Demoncrat, which makes her a communist! She supports the uprooting of every ideal in this country, a modern-day Bolshevik! She loves prosecuting, I mean, oppressing all of those poor innocent criminals. She gets a high out of kicking them around like subhumans. That’s why we have the word “criminal.” “Criminal” has the word “crime” in it, and everyone thinks crime is bad because that’s what the colonial patriarchy teaches us. So basically, Kamala likes shaming people and thinks she’s better than them just because they did something illegal. I feel so bad for those poor, let’s not call them criminals, let’s call them people oppressed by the patriarchal legal system. Kamala is so intolerant of all those oppressed people. She just doesn’t care about them! She has no human empathy, so she’s basically a Nazi! If you don’t feel bad for people oppressed by the patriarchal legal system then you’re literally a Nazi.

Biden is an incompetent senile swamp creature who’ll probably kick the bucket in a year or two, and then we’ll have DICTATOR Kamala. She’s a vicious, nasty, piece of work! And you say you support her? How could you support communism? Communists are completely anti-American, and anti-Democracy. They gaslight and divide people, and destroy society. They censor all of their enemies and make them “disappear” in the night. All communists are traitors, and we need to reject traitors and make sure they have no voice to spread their misinformation. Communism kills millions of people!! Everyone who supports communism is excusing murder. That’s what Stalin did, Kamala is basically a modern-day Stalin, I mean, she was such a harsh prosecutor, and threw so many innocent black people in jail. She’s a real racist!! A racist Stalin!! You’re saying you support Stalin?? Are you crazy? You must be a bigot. I don’t talk to bigots, so we’re done here.

Oh, you say you support Bernie Sanders. Ok, so at least you’re not a literal WHITE SUPREMACIST like Kamala is. But still, Bernie is even more of a communist, so he’s more of a traitor. Bernie wants to force the rich to pay for poor people’s health care, he’s basically a thief. Everyone knows taxation is theft. Bernie thinks it’s ok to steal, as long as it’s from a rich person. He’s a communist, and if he thinks it’s ok to steal he’s anti-religion and religious freedom. He supports theophobia and ecclesiophobia. What do you mean you’ve never heard of theophobia?! Theophobia is worse than even racism! That’s so intolerant!! We have to be tolerant of other religions and culture in order to promote diversity! Anyone who supports taxes and therefore theft is theophobic. I can’t believe you’re such a bigot that you’ve never even heard of it. You must be trying to gaslight me. Insurrectionist. All who support Bernie enable theophobia, and we have no room to tolerate theophobia in polite society. Only tolerant people should be allowed in society, we need to censor dangerous ideas like theophobia and other phobic people.

Wow that wasn’t so difficult to write. Ok, so replace the word “Kamala” with the word “Trump” and the word “communist” with “white supremacist” or something similar and you get the idea. This is why the “Silent Majority” is silent, and why MAGA hats are rare in NYC, Portland, etc. Trump supporters are attacked both verbally and physically online and off in some of the greatest shows of intolerance the “party of ‘tolerance’” ever displayed.

Please stop lumping all the millions of Trump supporters and Trump voters together into a single generalization. Yes, there are Trump supporters who are white supremacists. There are also Biden supporters who are anarchists, looters, and murderers, so therefore what? Should I judge all Biden voters as if they’re the same? Should I call all Biden voters “dictator enablers” or all Bernie supporters “anti-capitalist thieving anarchist theophobes”? Just like not all Biden voters are Antifa, just like not all Biden voters support murdering cops, not all Trump supporters are white supremacists. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Treat those you disagree with with at least a modicum of respect if you would like them to respect you, and at the very least let them talk if you expect them to do the same for you whenever you have something to say. If you can’t understand that, then well, I think you’re an intolerant person.

I’m (still) a Trump fan, but I would never use this style of “arguing” against people I know in real life just because they supporters a different candidate than me. If you support Biden then good for you, you made your own decision. And who knows, it’s possible (though probably unlikely) that I may become a Biden supporter if his policies end up being good. We’ll see. All Trump supporters ask for is the same respect from Biden supporters as we try to give them. You’re not going to see a Trump supporter attack a Biden supporter in the street just for wearing a Biden hat. You will however, see Biden supporters or “never-Trump-ers” attack, egg, throw coffee at, and even kill people just for supporting Trump or disagreeing with certain left-wing agendas. This needs to stop. Please.



Ephrayim Fox

Amateur opinion journalist. White, male, conservative, straight, religious, weapon-owning American. Also an anime fan. Here to offend and enlighten. Pen name.